2D Materials: Chemistry and Applications (Part 2)

Functionalization Strategies and Applications of Two-Dimensional Boron Nitride

Author(s): Mayank Punetha*, Abbas Zaarifi, Anton Kuzmin and Sadafara Pillai

Pp: 146-163 (18)

DOI: 10.2174/9789815305241124010008

* (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Recently, 2D Boron Nitride (BN) and its derivatives have emerged as materials of great interest due to their intriguing structure, similar to graphene, and possessing remarkable physical, chemical, and optoelectronic properties. BN has shown great applications in various fields, including electronics, energy storage and conversion, advanced composites, lubricants, and many more. Moreover, the hybrid materials of 2D BN with graphene and other nanomaterials have evolved as excellent dielectric substrates widely used in electronic devices. However, the extensive application of this material is severely restricted for various reasons. The book chapter elaborates different 2D BN nanostructures with a focused view on their striking applications. The mechanistic aspects of surface revamping through covalent functionalization have been discussed for the readers' comprehensive overview and a concise discussion on the challenges associated with this. The book chapter reviews the application of BN in electronics, biomedical applications, and smart composites in depth. This book chapter will provide a comprehensive outlook to the readers in understanding the recent and significant epistemological evidence.

Keywords: BN heterostructures, Composites, Drug delivery, Electronic, Functionalization, Microbial, Nanomaterial, Nano-ribbons, 2D Boron Nitride.

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