Though we are improving our living standards with technology, we are
neither bothered about our fitness nor our environment. The article focuses on both,
this research will not only help to keep an individual fit but also help in improving air
pollution. In this article using the concept of seven concerns of the innovation process,
a customized Bicycle frame (Photo Voltaic (PV) frame) is selected after overcoming
the flaws in many designs and final conception is analyzed for maximum deformation
at different loads. In this article, five concerns out of seven are considered to achieve
the final design. Flexible Solar Cell (mentioned in a magazine created by
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Energy Initiative) on the frame will help to
charge the battery and that battery will operate other devices like Air Purifier, Mobile
Charger, etc. that’s why this bicycle is called smart bicycle by the author. This article
only focuses on innovative design analysis of customized solar frames but not the
working of solar frames or air purifiers. This innovative design is going to change the
concept of cycling in the future.
Keywords: ANSYS design, Customized bicycle frame, Deformation, Finite element method, Seven concerns of innovation, Solidworks.