The number of people using face masks has increased on public
transportation, retail outlets, and at the workplace. All municipal entrances,
workplaces, malls, schools, and hospital gates must have temperature and mask checks
in order for people to enter. The paper's goal is to find someone who isn't wearing a
face mask in order to control COVID-19. ConvNets may be used to recognize and
classify images. The model depends on ConvNot to assess whether or not someone is
wearing a mask. It is possible to identify an image's face by utilizing a face
identification algorithm. These faces are then processed using Conv Net face mask
detection. If the model is able to extract patterns and characteristics from photographs,
it will be categorized as either “Mask” or “No Mask”. With an accuracy rate of 99.85
percent, Mobile Net V2 is the most accurate in regard to training data. MobilenetV2
correctly identifies the mask in “Mask” or “No Mask” video transmissions.
Keywords: Conv Net, Covid-19, Face Mask Detection, MobilenetV2, Open CV.