III-nitride nanowire light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have emerged as the nextgeneration solid-state lighting technology. Currently, white-light LEDs rely on the
phosphor-converted white LED (pc-WLEDs) technology, which normally depends on
the mixture of blue/ultraviolet emitters and green/yellow/red color-converters. In this
chapter, a summary of current research progress on nanophosphors and their
applications in improving the device performance of InGaN nanowire pc-WLEDs in
terms of color rendering properties and optical and electrical characteristics is
presented. These investigations have concentrated on manufacturing methods,
morphologies, optoelectronic characterizations and device performances. By
concentrating on these critical elements, our goal is to contribute valuable insights and
advancements to the field, paving the way for the continued development and
application of III-nitride nanowire LEDs in the landscape of solid-state lighting
Keywords: Blue/ultraviolet emitters, III-nitride nanowire, InGaN nanowire pcWLEDs, Nanophosphors, Phosphor converted white LED (pc-WLEDs), Solidstate lighting technology.