Dissolution is the concentration of a drug that goes into solution per unit of
time under standard conditions of solid-liquid interface, temperature, and composition
of solvent. In the pharmaceutical industry, in vitro dissolution testing has been
established as a preferred method to evaluate the development potential of new APIs
and drug formulations and to select the most appropriate solid form for further
development. Dissolution allows the measurement of some important physical
parameters, like drug diffusion coefficient, and is also used in model fitting on
experimental release data. Kinetic modeling of drug release in dosage forms has served
as a promising alternative to reduce bio studies in the development stage of
pharmaceutical formulations. Qualitative as well as quantitative changes in a
formulation that influence the performance of formulations can be predicted with the
help of different computational tools. The present chapter plans to highlight various
computational tools available online as well as offline such as PCP disso, DD solver,
Kinetds, etc. along with these software, the effective use of Microsoft Office Excel tool
for calculating drug kinetic studies is also discussed here.
Keywords: Computational tools, Dissolution, Drug release, Integrated software, Kinetics.