Surgical procedures in children are often required for alleviation of pain, or
removal of pathologic or aberrant entities from the oral cavity. The general principles
for surgical management are relevant in children as well. Due to behavioural and
cooperation problems in children the minor surgical procedures should be planned
well, taking into consideration all aspects. Extraction of primary teeth must be
commonly done due to extensive dental caries. Minor surgeries like cyst enucleations,
frenctomies, mucoceles etc. require proper planning and execution for successful
The advent of dental implants has opened new vistas in rehabilitation of adult patients.
However, the use of implants in pediatric dentistry has not been extensively used due to
the growth and developmental changes in chidren. There is a limited scope for implants
in dentistry hence it has been covered. If used judiciously implants can be an important
addition to the field of work of pediatric dentists.
Keywords: Dental implants, Extraction of Primary teeth, Minor surgeries.