Cancer is a group of diseases having an uncontrolled unregulated division of
abnormal cells that tend to spread to all other parts of the body. It is observed that
about 80-90 percent of the causes of cancer include unhealthy diet, behavioral habits,
and environmental factors that can be prevented. Cancer is not described in Ayurveda,
but in Brihatatrayi, there is a description of Granthi and Arbuda, which can be
correlated with cancer due to the similarity in nature and clinical course. In Ayurveda,
there are three major causes of any ailment: Kala Parinam, Pragyaparadha, and
AsatmendriyarthaSamyoga. All of this can be prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle.
Hence there is a need to focus on a healthy lifestyle to manage and prevent cancer.
Concept of Primordial prevention: The holistic approaches of Swasthavritta like
Healthy dietary and behavioral habits, Dincharya, Ritucharya, not restraining nonsuppressible urges and holding suppressible desires, Good conduct, Yoga, Pranayama,
Meditation, and Shatkarma purifying procedures, all come under primordial
prevention. This is the prevention of the risk factors by optimizing lifestyles associated
with cancer by following the holistic principles of Ayurveda. Various research studies
also proved that these principles of Ayurveda are helpful in the prevention and
recovery of cancer patients. On the basis of the conclusion from the literature and
available research on cancer, it can be said that adopting the holistic principles of
Ayurveda is beneficial in preventing the risk of various types of cancers.
Keywords: Arbud, Ahar, Cancer, Diet, Dincharya, Exercise, Granthi, Meditation, Nidra, Pranayama, Ritucharya, Stress, Yoga.