The pollution prevention (P2) approach known as source reduction is being
used worldwide to reduce the deleterious effects on human health and the environment
due to the contaminants released from a variety of industrial sources. This chapter
focuses on the concept of pollution prevention approaches undertaken by the U.S.EPA.
P2 approach is discussed by applying the concept of energy efficiency, energy savings,
greenhouse gas emission (GHG) reductions, waste reduction, and stormwater
management to local schools, restaurants, hospitals, and the industrial sector in Ohio,
USA. Several publicly available tools were used to analyze data collected during
assessments. The major tools used are the Energy Assessment Spreadsheet tool
(developed by Air Pollution Research Group at the College of Engineering, The
University of Toledo, Ohio, USA) for the energy savings and Economic Input Life
Cycle Assessment tool (developed by researchers at the Green Design Institute of
Carnegie Mellon University) for the estimation of environmental emissions from
industrial activities.These approaches result in the reduction of financial costs for waste
management, cleanup, health problems, and environmental damage. Outcomes of
pollution prevention activities are knowledge-based, behavioral, health-related, or
environmental, which includes decreased exposure to toxins, conservation of natural
resources, decreased release of toxins to the environment, and cost savings. The chapter
presents case studies that focused on energy, greywater reuse, and food waste diversion
from landfills.
Keywords: Approaches, Assessment, Pollution prevention, Case studies, Cost savings, Energy savings, Industrial facilities, USEPA, Wastewater.