Objective: To investigate the role of infrasound aortic pressure waves (IPW) in atherosclerotic plaque rupture. Methods: Atherosclerotic plaques have been simulated partly, in two dimensions, as being short or long Conical Intersections(CIS) , that is to say elliptic, parabolic or hyperbolic surfaces. Consequently, the course and reflection of the generated aortic pressure wave (infrasound domain-less than 20Hz) has been examined around the simulated plaques. Results: The incidence of IPW on plaque surface results in reflection and “refraction” of the wave. The IPW course within tissue, seems to be enhanced by high Cu-level presence at these areas according to recent evidence (US2003000388213). The “refracted”, derived wave travels through plaque tissue and is eventually accumulated to the foci of the respective CIS-plaque geometry. Conclusions: The foci location within or underneath atheroma declares zones where infrasound energy is mostly absorbed. This process, among other mechanisms may contribute to plaque rupture through the development of local hemorrhage and inflammation in foci areas. In future, detection of foci areas and repair (i.e. via Laser Healing Microtechnique) may attenuate atherosclerotic plaque rupture behavior.
Keywords: Atherosclerosis, plaque rupture, conical intersections