Environmental Microbiology: Advanced Research and Multidisciplinary Applications

Role of Microbial Biofilms in Bioremediation

Author(s): Pratibha Vyas*, Amrita Kumari Rana and Kunwarpreet Kaur

Pp: 163-187 (25)

DOI: 10.2174/9781681089584122010011

* (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Various types of toxic chemicals and waste materials generated from different industrial processes have created environmental pollution leading to a challenge for healthy human life globally. There is a need to develop strategies for environmental renewal and maintaining healthy life. Bioremediation has emerged as a promising and eco-friendly approach as microorganisms have vast potential to remove toxic pollutants from the environment. Microbial biofilms can be used successfully for removing environmental pollutants because of their ability to degrade, absorb and immobilize a large number of pollutants from various sources. During bioremediation, metabolic activities of biofilm-forming microorganisms are used for degrading toxic environmental pollutants. Though information on the use of microbial biofilms for bioremediation is limited, biofilms have proved to be highly effective in bioremediation. The present chapter focuses on the application and potential of microbial biofilms for the removal of environmental pollutants for sustainable development

Keywords: Biofilms, Bioremediation, Dioxins, Environment, Heavy metals, Pollutants, Pharmaceuticals, Personal Care Products, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Polychlorinated Biphenyls.

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