IoT has been transforming the world of information significantly. It has
allowed administration services without human interventions for a range of
applications including healthcare with Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM). Blockchain
is broadly utilized in IoT applications like smart health monitoring that provides
privacy and security. Blockchain innovation presents freedom for the medical services
industry, for example, reduced transaction costs, transparency for reporting regulatory
entities, productive medical care information, privacy, confidentiality and universality
of healthcare records. This chapter deals with the collaboration of blockchain
innovation in IoT security in terms of the RPM framework. A Patient Centric Agent is
used for end-to-end design for nonstop tolerant checking. The patient agent deals with
a segment of blockchain to provide protection when streaming information from body
area sensors that need to be securely stored and analyzed critical parts of blockchain to
a wellbeing application network where patient's information can be utilized to make
alarms that are essential to validate medical services suppliers in a protected way. This
methodology is valuable as they assemble information for longer time frames. The
access control manager stores and safely accesses information needed by the classifier
during retraining progressively in realtime from an external data storage.
Keywords: Blockchain, Cloud computing, Consensus mechanism, e-Health, Fog Computing, IoMT, Patient agent, PCA, Proof of Stake, Remote monitoring, Smart mobile, ssHealth, Tele-medicine.