The Revisionist Algorithmic Pathway (I→P→D) focusses on an unstructured
environment whereby people or organizations may use all available information to
influence their perception before rendering a decision. In this situation, the information
can be complete or incomplete. Nonetheless, due to the vagueness of the event it
becomes challenging for individuals or organizations to model the data according to
rating, ranking, or ordering. Hence, the use of this algorithmic pathway is highly
dependent on information changing resulting in a alteration of how individuals or
organizations perceive a situation.
Keywords: 4 th Industrial Revolution, Algorithm, Biometrics, Decision choice, Deep learning, Facial recognition, Fraud triangle, Identification, Information, Machine learning, Neural networks, Opportunity, Perception, Pressure, Rationalization, Revisionist algorithmic pathway, Supervised Learning, Throughput Model, Unsupervised Learning, Verification, Voice recognition.