The Fourth Industrial Revolution generation has ushered in extremely sophisticated
digital apparatuses that have taken the place of manual processing to ensure higher
automation and sophistication. Artificial Intelligence (AI) provides the tools to exhibit
human-like behaviors while adjusting to the newly given inputs and accommodating change in the environment. Moreover, the tech-giants such as Amazon, Apple, IBM,
Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and many others are investing in generating AI-driven
products to facilitate the market demands for sophisticated automation. AI will
continually influence areas such as job opportunities, environmental protection,
healthcare, and other areas in economic and social systems.
Keywords: Algorithms, Artificial intelligence.(AI), Audit, Bias, Big data, Cognitive automation, Decision choice, Deep learning, Digital workforce, Financial robots, Information, Judgment, Machine learning, Natural language processing (NLP), Neural networks, Perception, Robotic process automation (RPA), Throughput Model, Transparency.