People’s behaviour can significantly impact both the energy consumption
and the indoor thermal environment of the buildings, and of particular interest is their
window opening behaviour. A better understanding of why, when and how occupants
open windows is, therefore, essential in the quest to achieve low-carbon buildings.
Many studies have sought to answer these questions based on behavioural data
measured in actual buildings. This paper introduces existing methods that have been
used to monitor occupant window opening behaviour in buildings based on a
comprehensive review of literature, as well as for relevant influential factors, and
critically discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each method. The review has
identified five methods monitoring window usage (i.e. self-recording, electronic
recording, observing by surveyors and self-estimating), and each method has its
advantages and disadvantages in terms of feasible sample size, monitoring interval and
duration, recognition of window states/opening angle, and the relative dynamic nature
of behaviour. The aim has been to provide researchers with systematic criteria for
selecting a suitable monitoring method for their specific research objectives.
Additionally, the paper demonstrates the need for a standard method for monitoring
relevant influential factors, as these varied considerably between existing studies with
respect to the accuracy, interval and location. Such variation clearly has the potential to
influence the ability to perform cross-study comparisons.
Keywords: Behavioural modelling, Buildings, Driver, Energy, Electronic
measurement, Indoor air quality, Indoor environment, Monitoring, Outdoor
environment, Window opening behaviour.