It is well established that there is no ‘standard’ protocol for the treatment of
COVID-19. The use of certain antiviral agents and antibiotics such as azithromycin has
been concluded to be beneficial, and therefore, their use has been recommended.
Namely, remdesivir and favipiravir may be the best potential antiviral drugs for the
treatment of COVID-19. However, treatments should be tailored for every given
patient in regard to the signs and symptoms, the severity of the disease, age and
comorbid diseases, organ failures, phase of the disease, pregnancy status, and possible
drug interactions.
The use of NSAIDs as an antipyretic, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory agents appears
to be indicated in viral infections such as COVID-19, also during pandemic periods.
There is no evidence to support NSAIDs not to be used in COVID-19 infections due to
their side effects. NSAIDs are used after paracetamol, if necessary, to manage the
symptoms of COVID-19.
Although it has been postulated that deficiencies of certain vitamins and minerals (e.g.,
vitamins C and D), multi-center, community-based, well-designed studies are
necessary to clarify their relationship with COVID-19, especially before
recommending them for treatment.
In brief, treatments should be individualized, and evidence-based principles must be
Keywords: Antibiotics, Antivirals, COVID-19, NSAID, Pandemic, Treatment,
Vitamin C, Vitamin D.