In what male reproduction is concerned, postnatal testis development
comprises five sequencial stages: neonatal, infantile, juvenile, peripubertal and late
pubertal. Each of these stages is associated with several regulation factors that may
directly or indirectly affect them. After full testis differentiation, the individual is ready
to commit to spermatogenesis. Spermatogenesis is a highly complex process that aims
to produce spermatozoa through three consecutive steps (mitosis, meiosis and
spermiogenesis) that culminate in spermiation. All these checkpoints have an intrinsic
relationship with the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium, which allows their deeper
understanding and integration. Given all the participants involved in spermatogenic
cycle, it can be easily realized that there is a need for a controlled environment that
maintains its correct development. This is achieved through the interconnected role of
hormonal and paracrine/autocrine regulation factors. Each of them target a specific
variety of somatic and germ cells, balancing their response in accordance with testis
needs. Attention has also been given to the factors that control the genetic environment.
In fact, male fertility is associated with a unique and indispensable set of genes, which
are naturally influenced by several protein families with transcriptional and/or
translational approaches. With this information in mind, the present chapter aims to
discuss the most relevant research on the mechanisms involved in the basis of
Keywords: Autocrine Regulation, Cycle of the Seminiferous Epithelium,
Hormonal Regulation, Male Fertility, Meiosis, Mitosis, Paracrine Regulation,
Phases of Spermatogenesis, Postnatal Testis, Regulation of Spermatogenesis,
Spermatogenesis, Spermiation, Spermiogenesis, Testis Development,
Transcriptional Regulation, Translational Regulation.