Recent advances in computing and development of sophisticated
experimental techniques have enabled us to make giant leaps in understanding the
microstructure of water. The structure of water in normal temperature range is still
shrouded in Continuum-Mixture model controversy while new characterisation
methods are reported on yearly basis, leaving water an interesting and controversial
theme for ever. A multifaceted approach, amalgamating social, economic, political,
geographical and technological aspects, is required to alleviate the issues related to the
scarcity of water to considerable extent. Centres have been established for performing
cutting edge research on water across the globe in order to develop efficient
technologies in response to chronic water scarcity. Molecular scientists can greatly
contribute to the technological advances that could allay the problems related to fresh
water, and influence the policy makers at various organisation levels.
Keywords: Gel, Moor’s law, Supramolecular chemistry, UNESCO, Water