Virtual Lifelong Learning: Educating Society with Modern Communication Technologies

Blockchain Technology in Education

Author(s): Shobha Tyagi*, Shobha Tyagi and Deepak Kumar

Pp: 103-119 (17)

DOI: 10.2174/9789815196566124010011

* (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


As a decentralised platform, blockchain may be used by educational organisations to exchange details about online courses and programmes, as well as by students to rate what is offered online. This will aid in the discovery of accredited programmes that will help other students enhance their education. The management of academic records as well as how students and teachers collaborate have the potential to be significantly changed by blockchain. Blockchain's distributed ledger technology can significantly improve the transparency and accountability of the education sector. Numerous aspects of education could be impacted by blockchain, including keeping student information, awarding certifications and diplomas, storing papers, and developing curriculum and courses. Smart contracts can be used to create exam papers, and blockchain-enabled technology can be applied to evaluation as well. In the Gartner study, approximately 50% of respondents from the higher education sector expressed a lack of interest in using blockchain. This opposition may be mostly attributed to the challenges of technological integration, such as worries about security, scalability, adoption rate, and cost. In this chapter, the function of blockchain in the educational space is examined, along with all of its applications and difficulties.

Keywords: Blockchain technology, Distributed ledger technology, Higher education, Online learning, Smart contract.

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