The Human Immunodeficiency Virus and AIDS (HIV/AIDS) pandemic
remains a public health challenge and a significant obstacle to socioeconomic
development especially in developing countries. HIV/AIDS is a serious disease and has
claimed millions of lives across the world in recent years. Many Individuals, families
and communities including adults and children from across the world, particularly in
low-and middle-income countries have been affected by this scourge. To address this
problem, community involvement in HIV/AIDS prevention has been recognized,
particularly because HIV/AIDS acquisition and transmission occur through community
interactions and via complex social networks. Recognition of factors contributing to
susceptibility and the spread of HIV/AIDS within countries, societies, communities and
populations groups is necessary in order to halt this pandemic. Recognising these
factors will inform the development of strategies to address the epidemic within general
communities and within specific key population groups. Networks of individuals such
as sexual partners, community members and societies need to be recognised as
important in HIV transmission and prevention and understanding of communities
dynamics including within families, friends and acquaintances should be the first entry
point for HIV/AIDS management strategies. Involvement of communities will include
developing and implementing community-based approaches to HIV counseling, testing,
treatment and prevention. Effective linkages of these approaches with health facilitybased
services and eradicating the barriers that key populations face in accessing these
services are necessary measures. Improving policies and interventions including
providing effective education to various key populations and subgroups will facilitate
effective life-saving choices.
Keywords: A global challenge, AIDS, Communities, Community involvement,
HIV, Key populations, Public health threat, Social networks.