The gastrointestinal tract is the site of iron absorption and also the most
common localization of hemorrhage. The cause of iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is
often chronic blood loss. One liter of blood contains approximately 500 mg of iron.
Despite the representative increase in the absorption rate, the loss in this case cannot be
compensated and the body's iron reserves decrease. Iron deficiency leads to disruption
of hemoglobin synthesis: iron deficiency anemia.
The etiology of iron deficiency anemia can be widely categorized into: decreased iron
uptake (malabsorption due to gastrointestinal disease or surgery, inadequate diet) and
increased iron use/loss (blood donation, pregnancy, acute/chronic blood loss, rapid
growth during childhood, menses). IDA can be the first sign of celiac disease, gastritis
and occult GI malignancy.
The first choice treatment (after finding and disposal of the cause of the bleeding)
consists of the oral administration of Fe II compounds. It can take several months to
replenish iron reserves. Oral administration, however, has the major advantage that it is
difficult, even impossible to overload the body with iron, because the absorption is
regulated through an intact mucosa (enteral blockage). Only when adequate oral
replacement is not possible, parenteral administration of iron compounds is indicated.
There are potential side effects: administration of persistent pain at the injection site
(i.m. administration) and facial flushing, hypotension, anaphylactic shock (i.v.
Keywords: Anemia, Blood loss, Hemoglobin, Hemorrhage, Iron.