Title: Biologically Active Quassinoids and Their Chemistry: Potential Leads for Drug Design
Volume: 12
Issue: 2
Author(s): Z. Guo, S. Vangapandu, R. W. Sindelar, L. A. Walker and R. D. Sindelar
quassinoids, semi-synthesis, total synthesis, biological activities, sar, antileukemic and antimalarial activities
Abstract: Quassinoids are highly oxygenated triterpenes, which were isolated as bitter principles from the plants of Simaroubaceae family. Their synthesis has attracted much attention because of the wide spectrum of their biological properties. The most prevalent quassinoids have C-20 picrasane skeleton, some known as bruceolides as they were isolated from the genus Brucea, which showed marked antileukemic and antimalarial activities.