Title: New Devices for Treating Acute Ischemic Stroke
Volume: 5
Issue: 2
Author(s): Neil Rosenberg, Michael Chen and Shyam Prabhakaran
Stent, angioplasty, thrombectomy, microbubble, ultrasound, laser, aortic occlusion, external counterpulsation [ECP], hypothermia
Abstract: The past decade has witnessed an explosion of devices available for treating acute ischemic stroke. Here, we review a range of recently patented devices and the data supporting their use. These include devices to enhance thrombolysis, thrombectomy devices, stents, devices for augmenting global brain tissue perfusion, and devices that provide neuroprotection after stroke. We discuss specific design elements of these devices and directions for future research. Ultimately, individually tailored combinations of these devices will likely prove most useful in treating patients with acute ischemic stroke.