Architecture in Fictional Literature: Essays on Selected Works

Gulliver’s Travels

Author(s): Belma Alik

Pp: 166-174 (9)

DOI: 10.2174/9789815036008121010021

* (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


English writer and famous critic Jonathan Swift from the eighteenth century introduces us to one of his most famous works, Gulliver’s Travels. This book discusses the English doctor Gulliver who works on long-distance traveling ships. In his life, the main role was taken by a passion for traveling, so he experienced many adventurous journeys. It is about the trips to the states of Lilliput, Brobdingnag, Laputa (including the islands), and finally the country of horses, Houyhnhnm. In all four works and adventures, Gulliver finds himself in environments very different from his homeland. From an architectural point of view, the main features of this book are the different dimensions and scales, mathematical proportions and geometric shapes, as well as the close connection between man and place. All these adventures are discussed from these architectural aspects. The main feature of the adventure in Lilliput is the world of elves and their scale. In this setting, everything is created according to their proportional system. So Gulliver is the giant. Unlike Lilliput, in the state of Brobdingnag, everything is gigantic. It is a world where everything is enormous. In this place, Gulliver is an elf. The third adventure is about the geometric world of Laputa. The inhabitants of this place are obsessed with mathematical rules, and everything is part of mathematics and music. In the other islands of this adventure, the architectural features are imaginative. In the fourth adventure, Gulliver, unlike all the previous ones, finds himself in an animal world where the main inhabitants are horses. Therefore, the unit of measurement or modulus is horses.

Keywords: Adventure, Architecture, Balnibarbi, Brobdingnag, Dwarf, Forms, Geometrical shapes, Giant, Glubbdubdrib, Gulliver, Houhnhnm, Interior architecture, Jonathan Swift, Laputa, Lilliput, Luggnagg, Man-place relation, Proportion, Ratio, Travel, Yahoos.

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